Gytis Repečka


On July 2nd WriteFreely v.0.10 was released with two little commits by me: Lithuanian translation and lessc installation fix for CentOS – so proud to be listed among contributors 😊 To celebrate it I'm posting quick guide how to update WriteFreely instance when building binary from source.


WordPress content management system can successfully federate – there is a nice ActivityPub plugin. However, when running WordPress on Nginx server (as HTTP server, not only reverse proxy) there might be an issue – after setting up ActivityPub on I couldn't find from my Mastodon instance.


WriteFreely is open source, lightweight blogging platform written in Go programming language.

Motivation to build WriteFreely

While absolute king of blogs is WordPress, which in fact [powers somewhat 30% of all websites][1], some say it is overloaded, choosing perfect theme is extremely difficult and some (especially free) plugins are poisoned with different kinds of tracking. I do use WordPress on my main site as well, but over the years I' ve figured it seriously takes time to post an article (and I'm not yet even aquainted with Gutenberg).

WriteFreely here is a nice alternative claiming to offer a distraction-free writing experience. While supporting HTML, software mainly relies and endorses markdown. I do not plan ditching WordPress anytime soon, but I was very curious to try out lightweight platform that natively federates.


You might have already noticed I use Mastodon for my main fediverse handle Current version is 4.2.8.


As CentOS still ships MariaDB 5.5, some users might still have an issue initializing WriteFreely's schema.sql.


When Apache HTTPD server pretty much entirely dominated the market, one of the first tasks admin would do was to hide version number:

ServerTokens ProductOnly

Remember this tag? :)

Nowadays as nginx is so popular, especially if you need high performance reverse proxy (WriteFreely runs behind proxy too), it might be useful to hide it's version number.